The alternative to this is speculative risk, where there is the chance of gain. 与之相对的是投机风险,这种风险是有可能获利的。
A speculative risk has the potential for gain or loss. 投机的风险却存在着潜在的获利或受损的可能。
The rating was cut on Wednesday by one notch, changing the debt assessment to speculative and subject to high credit risk. 周三,穆迪将越南主权债务评级下调一档,至投机并可能遭遇较高信用风险。
China Foreign Exchange& "China faces massive hot money inflows of funds and other speculative risk." 中国外汇管理局&“中国面临热钱等投机性资金大规模流入的风险。”
The correction will provide an opportunity to gauge not only the extent of existing speculative positioning but also how much of an interest there is to buy risk on dips. 回调将不仅提供一个衡量现有投机头寸的机会,还能检验人们在下跌时买入高风险资产的兴趣。
Should speculative enthusiasm ease, prices could encounter growing downside risk. 一旦投机热情消退,银价可能将面临越来越大的下行风险。
A Study on the Multiple Exponential Smoothing Measure of Oder 3 and Its Application for Speculative Risk of Securities 证券投机风险三次指数平滑测度及应用研究
But too often the speculative motive has tended to overwhelm the risk motive, and active markets have been a source of instability rather than security. 但在许多时候,投机动机往往压倒了风险分担动机,因此活跃的市场一直是动荡、而非稳定之源。
What we saw last year was not a speculative attack on the euro, as continental European politicians would have us believe, but a perfectly normal response to a change in risk perception. 我们去年看到的,并不是对欧元的投机性袭击这是欧洲大陆政客们向我们灌输的观点而是对风险观念改变的一种完美、正常的回应。
There are several defects like insufficient validity, speculative feature, signal investment items on securities market, it is difficult for investor to choose useful investment compounding, and no way to shun system risk. 我国证券市场还存在着有效性不足、市场具有投机性、证券投资产品单一等缺陷,投资者很难构造有效的投资组合,无法规避系统风险。
The causes of this risk are complex, with problems in banking mechanism as the "internal" ones and speculative attacks and risk spilling or infecting as "external" ones. 银行系统性风险的成因比较复杂,银行机制本身的问题是其先天的内生性原因,而投机性冲击、风险的溢出与传染是外在原因。
It is necessary for the government to regulate the securities market because of the inherent nature, speculative and the high risk, of the securities market and the requirement for strong market rules by the public. 证券市场所固有的投机性、高风险性以及社会公众对强有力的市场规范的诉求,使政府的证券行政监管成为必要和必需。
This paper studies the speculative risk and its measure for securities investment. 本文研究证券投资既有损失的可能、又有超额赢利的可能的投机风险及其测度。
It puts forward a kind of new pattern of risky measure, and applies the multiple exponential smoothing Measure of order 3 forecasting model to the rational expected estimations of profit rate and speculative risk. 提出一种测度风险的理性预期新模式,其中理性预期收益率和理性预期投机风险采用三次指数平滑模型进行预测。
The speculative impact of the international capital is one of the reasons that cause financial crisis, after China enters World Trade Organization, the finance environment of China will changes greatly, and that will brings some financial risk. 国际资本投机性冲击是引发金融危机的原因之一。中国加入WTO后,金融环境将发生大的变化,而这将会带来一定的金融风险。
The risk is mainly brouht by the individual trade, including descendant risk, speculative risk, floating risk and institutional risk. 其风险主要来自于单项交易、初期股指下挫的风险,投机风险,流动性风险和制度风险。
The company runs the speculative risk; 公司经营投机风险,公司财务弄虚作假;
Because of its high leverage and speculative, the risk of stock index futures is more complex and influential. 但股指期货由于其自身的投机性及高杠杆性,导致股指期货市场的风险更复杂,影响更大。
The stock with higher turnover rate is commonly the concern of a lot of money. It is more short-term speculative and easier to fluctuate, the risk is relatively large. 3. 换手率较高的股票,说明其受到大量资金的关注,短期的投机性较强,股价波动较大,风险也相对较大。
The empirical results support our hypothesis. So the theory of speculative bubbles has been confirmed. 4 、 The role and status of liquidity and liquidity risk explaining asset pricing anomalies are discussed. 实证的结果支持我们的假设,从而验证了投机性泡沫理论的解释。4、讨论了流动性及流动性风险在解释资产定价异象中的作用和地位。
Futures market is of strong speculative and high risk; effective risk management is the premise of the healthy operation of the futures market. 期货市场的投机性强,风险性大,有效的风险管理是期货市场健康运行的前提。
After an in-depth analysis of the typical hedging loss case, this article realizes that the main reason of hedge loss is due to enterprises fail to face basis risk, cash flow risk and speculative risk. 本文经过对典型套保亏损案例的深入分析,认识到企业保值亏损的主要原因是因为需要面对基差风险、现金流风险和投机风险等。
However, its own leverage and the characteristics of the zero-sum game are likely to cause irrational speculative behavior, which are not conducive to improving the efficiency of market pricing and playing a role in risk transfer. 但是由于其本身杠杆性、零和博弈的特性容易诱发非理性、投机性行为,不利于提高市场的定价效率以及发挥风险转移的功能。
Both as a speculative and investment, high risk and high yield securities trading, major world security markets are as the establishment of formal institutional arrangement. 作为一种兼具投机性与投资性、高风险与高收益的证券交易方式,世界主要的证券市场都将其作为正式的制度安排确立下来。